Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML

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Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML

A mattress must be one of the most used items in a household. If most people would respect the recommended sleeping time of 8 hours per day, on average, we spend 30% of our life on the mattress. The kids are playing on the mattress, body fluids are leaking on the mattress, sometimes food is spilled on the mattress & so on. In other words, most mattresses are exposed to a lot of use and a lot of direct contact with body fluids. All this cocktail of body fluids, skin flakes, hair & other types of residue can make your mattress smelly. The mattress might not even be stained, but it could have an old urine-like odour. You can of course call your local mattress cleaning company or you can easily buy the new Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML and sort out the problem in no time.

Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML | Where To Use It

The product is suitable for all kinds of mattress odour neutralizing services. It can be successfully used to neutralize bad odours on all residential mattresses and also on all commercial mattresses. It reacts with the bacteria that generates the bad odour and it neutralizes it.

Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML | How To Use

Try to remove as much dirt as you can from the mattress surface. Use a vacuum head to extract all the dust, skin flakes, hair, etc. Have the mattress fully exposed and all the windows open to ensure quick drying times. All you need to do is to spray a fine mist of the new Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML all over the top and the sides of the mattress. No scrubbing required and no extraction required. Within a few seconds, the product will identify the source of the bad odour and it will neutralize it. Once neutralized, the odour will never come back from the same source. The product is compatible with all types of mattresses from all brands. It can be used for heavy duty treatments or for regular maintenance to prevent odours from developing.

Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odor Neutraliser 500 ML | Recommendations

No need to dilute the product before use. Make sure that you are happy with the fragrance before applying it on your mattress. Do not apply it to dirty or stained mattress surfaces. Do not mix up a number of mattress deodorisers. Remember, this is not a stain remover but a mattress odour kill. Store the product in a cool and safe place away from direct sunlight. A mattress covered in urine will not end up as new after one treatment. A deep mattress cleaning project should be booked to try to remove as much urine as possible & then the mattress should be maintained regularly with the new Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML. Dealing with bad odours is generally a hard job regardless of what type of product is used.

Dirtbusters Mattress & Urine Odour Neutraliser 500 ML